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A n apocalyptic podcast and other cool stuff
(now proudly a victim of Russian and FSB hacking*)
DUNCAN WOOD on the USMCA or the SMAC as I prefer to call it.
Dr. Duncan Wood, director of the Mexico Institute of the Wilson Center and a great friend of ITAM talks about the new "SMAC" "FREE TRADE"...
The election of AMLO in Mexico and the future of cooperation with the US with Eric Olson
So, after a very long break from the podcast because i had way to much work the last few months, we are back with a brand new episode on...
Col. Jamie Cade, Deputy Commander, Canadian Task Force in Afghanistan talks about the war in Afghani
So this is a truly awesome incredible podcast. I cant believe that Jaime gave me an interview on this. Jaime was the deputy commander of...
Episode 29: Dan Libby on Internal Affairs and law enforcement
So Dan Libby, a 30 year veteran of law enforcement in the United States and consultant for law enforcement agencies on internal affairs...
The spectacular, incredible, extremely politically incorrect holiday special!!
This is the story of how the entirety of the securityperimeter staff got permanently banned from entering Russia. here it is!! the...
Episode 28: What life is REALLY like at the Mexico-US border with Tony Payan
So in this episode, i interview DR. tony payan from Rice University in Houston on what the border really looks like. Tony is originally...
Episode 27: Alan Bersin, former Undersecretary of Homeland Security on North America
Alan Bersin is BACK! This time to discuss the election of Donald Trump, the future of North America, undocumented (or illegal) migration...
Episode 26: North Korean nuclear crisis and Donald Trump: Bad, very bad.
In this episode, Ulises Granados returns to the podcast (see episode 1 on China) to discuss the ongoing nuclear crisis with North Korea....
Episode 25: Trump, Mueller and Impeachment with Dr. Wayne Steger
In this episode, we take a look at what Donald Trumps political future looks like. Will he be impeached? alot of you out there might...
Episode 24: Dr. Craig Deare on US-Mexico Defense cooperation, A Tail Of Two Eagles
Description: Dr. Craig Deare (retired US Army Colonel, former Senior Advisor on Hemispheric Security at the National Security Council and...
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