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A n apocalyptic podcast and other cool stuff
(now proudly a victim of Russian and FSB hacking*)
Wayne Dupree: The US is starting to resemble a failed socialist state, and those who voted for Biden
COMMENT: Uhhh... you know what? This is probably not fake news because if anybody knows about failed socialism would be a Russian or a...
I wonder if this also applies to Russia. This guy is a fake Academic
US would face no ‘threats’ if it kept its troops & war machines inside its own borders So the United States is pulling out of a key...
It's a good thing Putin occupied Crimea, cause we know that the Russian army has a long traditio
US soldiers in Poland probed after beating up three locals in front of family members The US Army confirmed that some of its soldiers...
(fake news) NATO Intensifies Its Preparations for War with Russia
Against the backdrop of US aggression against North Korea, NATO is intensifying its preparations for war with Russia, the world’s second...
(Spectacularly fake news from russia) America's War Addiction
This of course coming from peaceful russia, you know, chechnya, georgia, ukraine, syria, a new nuclear bomb called SATAN -- fake news,...
(SO FREAKING FAKE) US Has No 'Coherent Plan for What to Do About N Korea,' Political Analyst
Quick commentary: uhhh... war? Amid escalated tensions on the Korean Peninsula, the US Air Force reportedly intends to put its B-52...
(really good fake news) Targeting China: 'North Korea is Just a Platform and Pretext' in the
Quick commentary: yeah right, north korea is not a threat... nothing to see here. Its part of Washingtons plan to dominate the planet...
'Tomahawks' Near the DPRK 'Serious Challenge to Pyongyang'
The USS Michigan, a nuclear-powered US submarine, has arrived in the South Korean port of Busan amid the ongoing escalation of tensions...
(makes me think of WW2 fake news) Be My Shield
quick commentary yes, the russian army, protectors of women, children, the elderly, and kittens The Russian Defense Ministry stated that...
(this could be party true fake news, but the source? FAKE) US war machine outdated & unprepared,
quick commentary coming from a country that needed the US to de-commission its own nukes after the end of the cold war While maintaining...
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