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A n apocalyptic podcast and other cool stuff
(now proudly a victim of Russian and FSB hacking*)
The editor of Russia's most prominent opposition newspaper plans to arm his staff
The editor of Russia’s most prominent opposition newspaper says he intends to arm his staff with guns that fire rubber bullets amid...
Soviet submarine officer who averted nuclear war honoured with prize
A senior officer of a Soviet submarine who averted the outbreak of nuclear conflict during the cold war is to be honoured with a new...
U.S. Has Three Aircraft Carriers in West Pacific for First Time in a Decade
The U.S. Navy has three aircraft carriers and their assorted missile-carrying vessels deployed to the western Pacific Ocean for the first...
This Is What a NATO vs. Russia War over the Baltics Would Look Like
How would a war between Russia and NATO in the Baltics play out? Chances of a Russian invasion of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia appear...
North Korea diplomat says take atmospheric nuclear test threat 'literally'
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The recent warning from North Korea’s foreign minister of a possible atmospheric nuclear test over the Pacific...
(old but as fake as the new stuff) Check Out These 33 Awesome Soviet Era Space Propaganda Posters
During the late fifties and early sixties, at the dramatic height of the space race between the United States and Soviet Russia,...
(Fake fake fake) Analyst: Clinton, DNC ‘Created Scandal’ Over Their Own Trump-Russia Research
Completely legit news from the Kremlin, so true The incendiary Trump-Russia dossier, brimming with unverified claims that US President...
(Spectacularly fake news from russia) America's War Addiction
This of course coming from peaceful russia, you know, chechnya, georgia, ukraine, syria, a new nuclear bomb called SATAN -- fake news,...
El juego nuclear entre Donald Trump y Kim Jong-un (in spanish)
Una vez más el sistema internacional se enfrenta a una amenaza. En esta ocasión se trata del programa nuclear de Corea del Norte. En las...
(SO FREAKING FAKE) US Has No 'Coherent Plan for What to Do About N Korea,' Political Analyst
Quick commentary: uhhh... war? Amid escalated tensions on the Korean Peninsula, the US Air Force reportedly intends to put its B-52...
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